Tuesday, February 12, 2008

1 point for watching the Grizzaly Man~

This was a VERY interesting movie. I felt like this mad had some mental problems. However, THAT IS PURELY AND STRICTLY MY OPINION. I think that it is sad that his girlfriend had to be brought into the whole situation. Grizzley bears have never really been documented as being kind, trusting creatures. I'm not saying he deserved this, but putting himself in such proximty to the bears to me seems careless and uneducated. I undertand he wanted to protect them and understand that beautiful world in which they inhabit but thinking one could be-friend the bears seems ridiculous. It his ending recordings he kept repeating that if put in the position of a bear killing him, he would feel no regret or remorse towards the bears. If that is how he felt, knowing this was going to happen at some point, he should not have put another human being at risk.

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