Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My reflection on Chuang Tzu

1.) What part of this story is the expostion? How many sentences does Chuang Tzu use to set of the dramatic situation?
I believe the exposition is when Chuang Tzu tells the story about the sacred tortoise. It reveals the character of the Prince of Ch'u and Chaung's impostion for not wanting any involvement with the administration of his government. I believe he only uses one sentence to really set up the dramatic situation. The sentence is, "Now, do you thin that tortoise would rather be dead and have its remains thus honoured, or be alive and wagging its tail in the mud?" The officer's left without an agrument because they understood the Chuang's feelings for the Prince.

3.) What does this story tell us about the protagonist Chuang Tzu's personality?
It describes a man with a carefree personality that would rather do anything that be tied down to a job with walls. He doesn't need to flashy association with the Prince to be happy and content in his life.

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