Saturday, March 8, 2008

Fire and Ice by Robert Frost

1.) To whom does Frost refer to in Line one and two?
He simply refers to people who have opinions about how the world is going to end. I think that I always look WAY to in depth regarding these peoms so I am going to try and keep things simple and see how that works.

2.) What connotations of fire and ice contribute to the richness of Frost's comparison?
When frost uses the words desire or hate he contributes to the richness of the suggestion of fire. Usually when people think about relationships that are built on fire, desire comes to mind. Or even fire could be compared to hate or the devil. I'm not really seeing any connotations to the word ice. And ideas????????


Haley Rogers said...

I also am not finding anything to ice

Anonymous said...

In his first line, Frost probably refers to those who accept the biblical prophecy of a final
holocaust; and in his second line, to those who accept scientists’ forecasts of the cooling of the earth.